School Updates
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Swipe contentLunch Arrangements
Children may either bring a packed lunch into school or order a school meal. All children in reception, year 1 and year 2 are entitled to a school meal under the new Universal Free School Meal system. Children can choose between a main meal, vegetarian, jacket potato, plant based or cold lunch. All dinners must be ordered a minimum of a week in advance via our caterers, Kingswood Catering. Please see their website below.
Dinner money prices: £2.40 per day
Free School Meals
If you are in receipt of Income Support or Income-Based (not Contribution-Based) Job Seeker’s Allowance; Income-Related Employment & Support Allowance (not Contribution-Based); or receive Child Tax Credit and have an annual taxable income, as assessed by Inland Revenue, that does not exceed £16,190, you are entitled to apply for Free School Meals. Families who also claim Working Tax Credit are NOT eligible to claim free school meals regardless of income. If your child does not wish to have school dinners, please still apply as you will be entitled to help with other school payments.
To apply or discuss your eligibility, please call the FSM department at Warwickshire C C on 01926 742060 or apply online HERE
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