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‘An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.’ Proverbs 9:9
Each phase takes part in a number of themes throughout the year. Lessons and topics are linked to these themes where possible to provide cross curricular opportunities and also allow children to apply learning in a variety of ways. When subjects are not linked to themes, they are taught discretely to ensure the National Curriculum is delivered. Each phase includes two cycles so as children progress through the school they take part in all themes. Please see below for The Revel's theme map.
Because the school has mixed age classes, we operate a two year cycle for our curriculum; Cycle A and Cycle B.
At The Revel C of E Primary School, we have the absolute highest ambitions for all our learners. To meet this aim, we have chosen to follow a new vibrant and rich curriculum.
Opening Minds
Through following the Sonar Curriculum, we aim to ensure that specific subject knowledge and skills are carefully sequenced to build and develop the prior knowledge and skills of our children throughout every taught subject. To ensure that our curriculum is inspiring, engaging and unique, we will continue to utilise opportunities to deliver carefully planned outdoor learning lessons to enhance the children’s understanding.
Opening Hearts
As a proud Church of England School, our Christian Values lie at the heart of all that we do. Our school ethos, which underpins every element of our curriculum, supports children in developing a mindset that will improve their relationship with others, build confidence in their own abilities and develop resilience within a world where set-backs are inevitable; this in turn promotes positive mental and emotional well-being. Opportunities for Personal Development are carefully designed and thoughtfully implemented.
Opening Doors
Through our curriculum, we aim to open doors: both literally and metaphorically. Opportunities to take our learning outdoors are exploited with an outdoor learning link established for every topic. The school has invested heavily in a full time, non class based Head of Outdoor Learning who leads, drives and supports our staff in the delivery of our ambitious curriculum. Such opportunities provide our pupils with the tools required to be ready for the next phases of their education and to be effective citizens of our world. We recognise that the seeds of every profession are sown at primary school and aim to offer an inspiring and varied curriculum that helps children find their passions and give them the skills and knowledge which will equip them for whatever the future may bring. Through careful planning and collaboration, we ensure that the content and challenge of our curriculum meets the needs of all learners: no matter what their starting points. No opportunity is deemed unreachable.
From September, 2022 The Revel are going to use the Sonar Curriculum to focus our daily, weekly and half termly teaching sequences, based on the National Curriculum. This ensures full coverage across a two year cycle, and clear progression from one year group to the next. Subject specific skills are taught within a cross-curricular theme each half term, following a two year rolling program.
Sonar Curriculum is going to be used to enhance the children’s learning in the subjects of Science, Art and Design, Computing, Design and Technology, Geography and History. It will also be adopted for English.
What does this mean for our children?
• Connected, thorough, sequenced learning
• Experiences that are relevant and meaningful to their lives.
• Opportunities for increased independence.
• Opportunities to learn within real life contexts.
• Engaged learners who have a resilient attitude to learning and are not afraid to take risks.
Sonar is an online based curriculum and will enable us to provide a robust and rigorous framework which underpins a coherent curriculum design. The objectives across all subjects focus on fluency through skills, knowledge and understanding. This builds in a sequential way to ensure progressive, detailed fluency and coverage.
In the first two years (2022-23/2023-24), we will follow the Sonar Curriculum thematic overviews and learning sequences closely. The children’s prior knowledge and starting points will be used at the start of each new theme, highlighting any gaps in vocabulary, skills or knowledge that would be relevant to the upcoming projects and opportunities will be planned accordingly.
The following year (2024-25), when the complete cycles have been taught once, year groups will personalise the learning more by choosing different texts, increasing or decreasing the time given to the coverage of certain areas. This will be based on gaps in the children’s knowledge and up to date assessments.
Sonar Curriculum will support The Revel in building a tight curriculum with learners who have a broad and complete skill base by the time they leave Year 6.
Through implementing a progressive and challenging curriculum, all children will gain both knowledge and skills across curriculum areas.
The Sonar Curriculum will enable subject leaders to effectively monitor the teaching and learning of their subject across the school.
Thorough assessments during lessons and at the end of units will raise standards and expectations for all children with next steps carefully planned to ensure progress.
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