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The Revel

CofE (Aided) Primary School

with Catholic Provision

Love learning, learn to love

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Christianity at The Revel

School’s theologically-rooted Christian Vision


The Revel C of E Primary School is a uniquely placed and closely connected Christian community where all are valued, loved and celebrated.  We work as one to learn and grow in compassion and service, living our Christian values through the connection of community.  Our lifelong learners will prosper in the fullest life through the living of our Christian Values.



"I have come that you may live life in all its fullness.” John 10:10

“Do justly, Love mercy and kindness, Walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8



Our vision revolves around the 6 core Theological concepts of: 


Creation     Incarnation     The Trinity


Love     Salvation     Reconciliation


with particular focus on The Trinity and Love




Our school is unique in regards to our setting over three sites. This means we are able to play an active role in the communities of three separate villages and three separate churches. This diversity is recognised and celebrated through our inclusion in the communities, our leadership and recognition of the role our school plays.




We learn as Christians that God is love. Love is a consistent in all we do at The Revel. We guide our children to make choices with love at the heart and to consider the role love plays in personal development. Our school motto, 'Love Learning, Learn to Love' recognises and celebrates the theological concept of Love.

As a school we are very proud of our Christian heritage and traditions. We work hard to make sure that the school ethos is distinctly Christian and that our daily act of worship is of a 'broadly Christian nature'. As a Church of England school we value the concept of inclusiveness and so not only do we love and care for all God's children irrespective of their belief, background, gender, race or ethnicity but we also have a duty to cater for and meet their needs. In response to this, the school has an ecumenical agreement with the Catholic church in Monks Kirby and caters for our Catholic children with a specialist Catholic lesson one afternoon per week. Close links are formed with both the Anglican and Catholic Churches in the village and both Reverend Jonathan and Father Matthew lead worship in school on a regular basis.


Each half term our worship theme is based on one of these or another value taken from the C of E 'Values for Life' pack. Each class has a reflection 'Prayer Garden' maintained by the class 'Prayer Warrior' to help us focus on the value of that half term. In addition the school has a Peace Courtyard where children can go to be quiet and reflective. School also has our own dedicated Chapel.

The school “….has a strong Christian ethos that permeates all elements of school life”.

(Ofsted - December 2022)

The 6 Theological Concepts in action at The Revel 


Our God's Gardeners, supported by our Link Governor


The Trinity


Prayers written by KS2 children for our Year 6 leavers 2024

Love for and within our community



Prayer for the 'fallen' - Written by Year 6 pupils and taken to France for reading July 2024

Considering reconciliation in our community

Our Christian values are:

These are the prayers our community say:


Our class prayer

Thank you for all we have done today.

For new things to learn and new things to play.

Please help us to do our best each day


The gathering: Our call and response for collective worship

Presenter: We light this candle...

Congregation: to remind us that Jesus is the light of the world. 


The Commissioning

May the grace of our lord Jesus Christ,

and the love of God,

and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 

(2 Corinthians, 13-14) 


Mealtime grace

For the food that we eat and those who prepare it,

For health to enjoy it and friends to share it,

We thank you Lord,



Catholic Provision at The Revel

At the Revel, children with a Roman Catholic background are supported by outside providers to develop their Roman Catholic education.  This teaching takes place during the school day.


The Roman Catholic branch of the Christian faith is also explored and shared during some whole school assemblies so that all children can learn about it.

Our most recent SIAMS inspection report.

SIAMS Self Evaluation Form 2024-25

Celebrations of the world’s major faiths and philosophies at The Revel

Celebrating World faiths

Events and visits and links to Spirituality 2023 - 2024


We have a sense of wonder at the world here at The Revel C of E Primary School - how do we all fit together in this great universe - what connects us with ourselves, and what holds us in place with our neighbours the world over?  How did we all come to be here and what makes up our world and is there something beyond ourselves - a deity or divine being? SELF - OTHERES - OUR WORLD - A DEITY.


Spirituality involves the recognition of ourselves as spiritual beings, a feeling or sense or belief that there is something greater than ourselves and each other, something more to being human than sensory experience, and that the greater whole of which we are part is cosmic or divine in nature.


With this in mind, we have built our Outdoor Learning Curriculum to enrich our understanding of our place in the world and further the questions we may already have.  


Courageous advocacy at The Revel

How do we support those in this world who cannot support themselves?  How do we act and speak for them?  We take every opportunity to think beyond ourselves, to consider how life looks for other people who may  be more disadvantaged than we are and who cannot speak up?  We act in our Christian faith to act as we know God wants us to.  

We gave our school shoes away at the end of the school year, and walked home barefoot, one of our children delivered them to the depot ready to go overseas.

Harvest donations for Rugby Foodbank


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